百慕达群岛 Archives - Flag Theory https://flagtheory.com/cn/category/百慕达群岛/ Passports, Residency, Incorporation, Offshore Banking Thu, 28 Oct 2021 17:28:33 +0000 cn hourly 1 https://flagtheory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/cropped-favicon-32x32.png 百慕达群岛 Archives - Flag Theory https://flagtheory.com/cn/category/百慕达群岛/ 32 32 Where to set up a cryptocurrency business (2020) https://flagtheory.com/cn/cryptocurrency-business-regulations/ Thu, 03 Sep 2020 11:51:43 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=187378 Where to set up a cryptocurrency business (2020) An overview of the latest legal and regulatory developments for cryptocurrency businesses across various International Financial Centers During recent years, a large part of the cryptocurrency industry have been operating in an unregulated manner. Most of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges, dealers and other crypto operators, as well as

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Where to set up an Intellectual Property Holding Company https://flagtheory.com/cn/ip-intellectual-property-holding/ Mon, 20 May 2019 09:16:00 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=19588 Where to set up an Intellectual Property Holding Company Utilizing an intellectual property holding company is one of the most common legal tax avoidance strategies out there. However recent measures by the OECD and EU have dramatically changed this landscape. We’ve stayed on top of these changes to empower you to explore and evaluate where

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What you should consider when setting up an Investment Fund https://flagtheory.com/cn/investment-fund/ Mon, 25 Mar 2019 07:29:32 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=19223 What you should consider when setting up an Investment Fund When it comes to setting up an investment fund there are a number of factors to consider that have a direct impact on the most suitable jurisdiction and structure model to pursue. These include not only fund regulatory aspects but also tax, business operations, cost,

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Where to set up a Holding Company https://flagtheory.com/cn/where-to-set-up-a-holding-company/ Mon, 11 Mar 2019 05:58:17 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=19133 Where to set up a Holding Company In the previous letter, we were discussing some of the major benefits of using a holding company and how it can be used for asset protection, risk management, tax planning, and operational efficiency purposes. We also reviewed certain key aspects that one should consider when structuring a holding

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Massive Changes to Offshore Tax Regimes and Economic Substance Requirements https://flagtheory.com/cn/legislation-changes-offshore-tax-regimes-economic-substance/ Wed, 06 Feb 2019 11:03:14 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=18611 Massive legislation changes affecting Offshore Tax Regimes and Economic Substance Requirements Massive change has swept the offshore industry lately, largely as a result of pressure from the EU and the OECD. As a result of the pressure, many countries have overhauled their tax and company regimes in accordance with perceived EU acceptance. Why the reason

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Where to set up an International Business – Part 3: The Americas https://flagtheory.com/cn/set-up-global-business-americas/ Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:48:19 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=17354 Where to set up a Global Business – Part 3: The Americas Flag Theory Weekly Letter – Tuesday, November 27th, 2018 In the first chapter of “Where to set up your international business”, we highlighted some of the advantages and disadvantages encountered when incorporating your global business offshore vs onshore, and how a well-designed group

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在何处设立代币化基金 https://flagtheory.com/cn/%e5%9c%a8%e4%bd%95%e5%a4%84%e8%ae%be%e7%ab%8b%e4%bb%a3%e5%b8%81%e5%8c%96%e5%9f%ba%e9%87%91/ Thu, 18 Oct 2018 23:22:17 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=17309 The post 在何处设立代币化基金 appeared first on Flag Theory.

在何处设立加密货币交易所–第四部分:在美洲设立加密货币交易所 https://flagtheory.com/cn/%e5%9c%a8%e4%bd%95%e5%a4%84%e8%ae%be%e7%ab%8b%e5%8a%a0%e5%af%86%e8%b4%a7%e5%b8%81%e4%ba%a4%e6%98%93%e6%89%80-%e7%ac%ac%e5%9b%9b%e9%83%a8%e5%88%86%ef%bc%9a%e5%9c%a8%e7%be%8e%e6%b4%b2%e8%ae%be%e7%ab%8b/ Fri, 07 Sep 2018 07:40:58 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=17181 The post 在何处设立加密货币交易所–第四部分:在美洲设立加密货币交易所 appeared first on Flag Theory.

在百慕大设立受监管的ICO项目需要了解的信息 https://flagtheory.com/cn/%e5%9c%a8%e7%99%be%e6%85%95%e5%a4%a7%e8%ae%be%e7%ab%8b%e5%8f%97%e7%9b%91%e7%ae%a1%e7%9a%84ico%e9%a1%b9%e7%9b%ae%e9%9c%80%e8%a6%81%e4%ba%86%e8%a7%a3%e7%9a%84%e4%bf%a1%e6%81%af/ Thu, 19 Jul 2018 09:54:43 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=15608 The post 在百慕大设立受监管的ICO项目需要了解的信息 appeared first on Flag Theory.

Where and how to open an international bank account https://flagtheory.com/cn/international-bank-account/ Sun, 11 Mar 2018 02:31:18 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=11882 Where and how to open an international bank account Today let’s dive into how to open an account and what you should consider when designing your offshore banking strategy. A large number of offshore banks open accounts remotely, either for personal or corporate accounts. Meaning that you do not have to take a plane and

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Dual Citizenship: List of Countries that Recognize it And Those that Don’t https://flagtheory.com/cn/dual-citizenship/ Fri, 12 Feb 2016 02:22:15 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=2654 The post Dual Citizenship: List of Countries that Recognize it And Those that Don’t appeared first on Flag Theory.

Citizenship by Residency https://flagtheory.com/cn/easiest-countries-to-become-a-citizen/ Thu, 11 Feb 2016 16:39:21 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=2657 Complete list of countries to obtain citizenship by naturalization Most countries around the world allow for persons who have lived in-country for a certain period of time to apply for naturalization. It’s only human, really, to allow those living among us to also have the benefits of citizenship. Oftentimes, the naturalization process involves tests and

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Google Saves Billions in Taxes by going Offshore https://flagtheory.com/cn/google-saves-billions-in-taxes-by-going-offshore/ Mon, 27 Aug 2012 10:28:25 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=664 Save Tax Money with Google’s Offshore Secrets The coming century will be one of the global entrepreneurs. Those who are able to leverage technology, currency arbitrage, and internationalization to compete with wasteful corporations can potentially amass great wealth. Today we will discuss Google’s Offshore incorporation strategy! If you own or run a business, incorporation is

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