香港 Archives - Flag Theory香港/ Passports, Residency, Incorporation, Offshore Banking Wed, 17 Apr 2024 11:56:38 +0000 cn hourly 1 香港 Archives - Flag Theory香港/ 32 32 The present and the future of Territorial Tax countries Mon, 17 Feb 2020 07:41:23 +0000 The Present and the Future of Territorial Tax Countries How is the source of income determined from a tax perspective?  We often find a number of clients that interpret that income is sourced where the monies for goods and services are paid i.e. the location of the clients. Following this approach, a company that is

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What to consider when structuring an E-commerce Business Thu, 15 Aug 2019 06:30:32 +0000 What to consider when structuring an E-commerce Business E-Tail, E-commerce, or online sales businesses are a common business activity we deal with when consulting for a new corporate structure at Flag Theory. There is a myriad of factors to look at when structuring an e-commerce company such as the place where the goods are manufactured,

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Where to set up an Intellectual Property Holding Company Mon, 20 May 2019 09:16:00 +0000 Where to set up an Intellectual Property Holding Company Utilizing an intellectual property holding company is one of the most common legal tax avoidance strategies out there. However recent measures by the OECD and EU have dramatically changed this landscape. We’ve stayed on top of these changes to empower you to explore and evaluate where

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How to protect and structure an Intellectual Property Business Thu, 02 May 2019 01:30:57 +0000 How to protect and structure an Intellectual Property Business A few weeks ago, we talked about certain key aspects to consider when structuring a holding company, as well as reviewed a number of jurisdictions that may be interesting for holding company purposes. If you haven’t had the chance to read them, you can do it

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What you should consider when setting up an Investment Fund Mon, 25 Mar 2019 07:29:32 +0000 What you should consider when setting up an Investment Fund When it comes to setting up an investment fund there are a number of factors to consider that have a direct impact on the most suitable jurisdiction and structure model to pursue. These include not only fund regulatory aspects but also tax, business operations, cost,

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Where to set up a Holding Company Mon, 11 Mar 2019 05:58:17 +0000 Where to set up a Holding Company In the previous letter, we were discussing some of the major benefits of using a holding company and how it can be used for asset protection, risk management, tax planning, and operational efficiency purposes. We also reviewed certain key aspects that one should consider when structuring a holding

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International Tax Landscape shake-up for Multinational Businesses Thu, 21 Feb 2019 02:58:27 +0000 International Tax Landscape shake-up for Multinational Businesses During the last weeks, we have been writing and reviewing significant amendments to corporate laws and tax laws in offshore jurisdictions to satisfy their commitments made pursuant to the OECD’s Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Inclusive Framework and the European Union Code of Conduct Group (EUCoCG) agenda.

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Where to set up a Securities Token Exchange Fri, 11 Jan 2019 07:40:04 +0000 What is the best country to set up a Securities Token Exchange? Flag Theory Weekly Letter – Friday, January 11th, 2019 A few weeks ago we were discussing in this article why the crypto fundraising trend is turning from utility to securities tokens and why a tokenized securities market might be the key factor for

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Where to set up an International Business – Part 2: Asia Fri, 23 Nov 2018 09:32:57 +0000 Where to set up an international business – Part 2: Asia Flag Theory Weekly Letter – Friday, November 23rd, 2018 In the previous article, we discussed how international businesses can take advantage of structuring opportunities available across the globe. We also reviewed some key facts, pros, cons and caveats one must consider when structuring your

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在何处注册国际企业–第一部分:离岸vs在岸 Fri, 16 Nov 2018 09:23:17 +0000 在何处注册国际企业–第一部分:离岸vs在岸 Flag Theory 周刊 — 2018年11月16日,星期五 国际企业相比本地“实体”企业(尤其是对于数字企业)的主要优势之一是,其可能有能力选择最佳的战略司法管辖区来经营企业。对于国际企业的设立,首先需要清楚的是,您想注册在岸企业还是离岸企业,或者二者兼顾。 我们将离岸企业–恰当名称为IBC或国际企业公司–定义为在税务中立的司法管辖区注册成立的公司,通常不是其所注册司法管辖区的税务居民,并且无账户备案或其它报告要求。 就其本身而言,在岸公司是一个法人实体,是其注册司法管辖区的税务居民,并且通常受到一定程度的税务和财务报告要求的约束。 离岸注册可以为在高税收地点进行“在岸”注册提供显著优势。但是,某些警告必须给予考虑,并且根据您的业务活动、业务要求、供应商和客户以及您的个人情况,离岸注册可能并不合适。 接下来,我们将讨论您在进行离岸公司注册或/和在岸公司注册时,应考虑的一些关键因素。在之后的文章中,我们将讨论一些司法管辖区中您应考虑的一些关键层面,其可能帮助您确定这些司法管辖区是否适合您的特定业务。 税务及持续性合规 税务通常是企业家设立离岸公司的首要原因。 离岸公司通常无需在所注册的司法管辖区进行纳税,并且通常公司的合规负担也是最小的。根据法律规定,公司必须保留会计记录,但可能无需提交此记录。 无需审计,无需备案,只需支付年续期费就足以让您的公司保持良好的信誉。 这使得离岸公司的维持没有在岸公司那样繁琐和昂贵。   然而,存在一个问题。若离岸公司的结构不合理,那么它有可能被视为该公司的实际管理地所在的司法管辖区的税务居民。这是因为在多数司法管辖区中,企业税务居留是由企业的实际管理地所决定的。这有时被称为受控外国所有权(controlled foreign ownership),有时又被称为推定所有权(constructive ownership)。针对由核心管理层控制的非税务居民公司的确切税法因司法管辖区而异。 举一个简单的例子,若您在英国运营一个伯利兹公司,那么该公司可能被视为英国的税务居民,并且受英国的税务和合规要求的约束。您可能有法律义务需要对该公司进行披露,并且税务当局可能会将其视为税务居民公司。 此外,若您或您的本地实体持有离岸公司的某些所有权份额,并且您的居住国已颁布“受控外国公司”(CFC)法,那么该离岸公司可能将被视为CFC,而且其收入可能需缴纳企业所得税,即使该收入尚未进行分配。 我们已在我们的司法管辖区对比软件Incorporations.io中启动了一个过滤器,其中列出了一些出台或未出台CFC法的国家,但是,这并不能保证正确性和即时性。受控外国公司法的影响和要求因国家而异,因此您必须向您居住国的税务顾问进行咨询。 要缴纳美国的企业所得税。 】 您可以查看您实际运营所在国和/或您的利益相关者所在国的双边税务协定(DTA)下的税收优惠的有效性,以最大程度减少潜在的税务负担,而这些通常不适用于离岸公司。例如,某些司法管辖区可能会对支付给非居民公司的款项征收预扣税,而根据DTA,该预扣税可能可以减少/豁免。您还应该考虑员工的所在地,以便能够提供当地的员工福利,或者为员工福利或退休福利计划设立公司离岸方案。 离岸保护和隐私 离岸可以提供更高水准的保护和隐私。 在某些司法管辖区,您的企业资产可能会得到强有力的资产保护法规的保护。有时,对离岸公司提起诉讼会很麻烦,因此这可能会帮助您避免繁琐的诉讼。此外,董事和股东的详细信息通常不会供公众进行查阅 ,这在一定程度上提供了在岸司法管辖区所无法提供的隐私。 这意味着他们不会在资产搜索中出现,而这正是诉讼律师首先要寻找的。最后,多数离岸司法管辖区不允许收取胜诉费(律师只根据某种结果收取费用)。因为胜诉费的收取通常会导致律师因成功起诉一名富有的被告而获取高份额的利润。   一些法人实体类型,如LLC(有限责任公司),更适合为保护目的而设立。LLC的所有权被分为成员权益而非股份,并且成员权益不得被法院命令没收。一些LLC法规还提供财产扣押令保护。最后,LLC中不需要董事(LLC由成员管理或经理管理),这意味着个人不需要因董事职务而承担随之而来的责任。 在公司中,决策受到严格的程序形式的约束,如果不遵守这些形式,则可能会使原告揭开公司面纱并引发个人责任。LLC不受这些决策程序形式的约束,而且由其运营协议进行管理,只要不违反法律,运营协议可以根据其成员的需求进行改制和调整。 一些离岸司法管辖区还提供了其它强有力的资产保护工具,如信托和基金会。信托是一种法律协议,委托人将其资产的合法所有权转让给受托人,受托人有义务为个人利益或特定目的管理这些资产。 您可以通过查看离岸信托及其关键的法律层面和用途。   此外,若您认为您的离岸公司能够侥幸“被忽视”并且当地税务机关不会察觉它的存在,那么这可能不是一个明智的想法。因为多数国家会根据OECD’s Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) framework(经合组织的信息自动交换框架)通过 Common Reporting Standard(共同报告标准,简称CRS)来交换税务信息。 您需要向银行披露您的税务居住地以开立银行账户,并且填写一份CRS 自我认证表格,包括您的税务居住地和税务标识号(TIN)。若您是美国公民,您还将需要填写一些FACTA表。银行有义务向地方当局披露这些信息,而地方当局则可能会向有关外国当局披露这些信息。 您的个人税务居住地以及您的离岸公司的实际管理地所在的司法管辖区,应包含在任何国际化战略中并进行精心策划,而有些办法可以合法最小化您的税务负担。 另一个需要考虑的方面是,您的客户、供应商和员工/承办商的所在地,因为这也可以形成各种类型的税务责任。例如,若一个外国实体因某些工作而有了实际的收入关联(例如,销售和管理人员向美国客户进行销售),那么其可能在那个国家拥有纳税义务(即使对该实体的管理是由非美国员工在美国境外进行的)。 【在美国境内从事贸易或商业活动的外国公司,若其收入与其在美国境内的贸易或商业活动有“实际的联系”,无论这些收入的来源在美国境内还是境外,都需 若在正确的司法管辖区内进行了适当的规划和设立,那么信托可以保护受托人持有的无形资产,因为外国法院可能对持有离岸资产的受托人没有管辖权。 然而,外国信托在很多司法管辖区是不被认可的,因为一些拥有基于民法的法律制度的国家可能不会区分正式所有权和实益所有权,因此外国信托可能被忽视。 这时,基金会可能会更合适,因为它们拥有独立于创始人及董事会的法人资格,而又与公司不同,他们没有所有人或股东,其资产由管理委员会或理事会进行管理,其目的是为了保护私人的利益或为了某个特定的目的,无论是慈善性的还是非慈善性的。您可以通过查看一些基金会结构。

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Where to market a Tokenized Fund Offering Mon, 05 Nov 2018 09:10:46 +0000 Where to market a Tokenized Fund Offering Flag Theory Weekly Letter – Monday November 5th, 2018 In previous letters we talked about some of the most important factors when it comes to setting up a security token offering and we then discussed one type of STO – a tokenized fund. This is a fund that

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Preserve your wealth investing in gold and other precious metals Tue, 13 Mar 2018 02:47:14 +0000 Preserve your wealth investing in gold and other precious metals Gold and other precious metals have always been a way of storing value throughout human history. In ancient Egypt, gold was already used as an exchange method, it was used as money. In fact, the Egyptians were the first to ‘price’ gold and establish their

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Where and how to open an international bank account Sun, 11 Mar 2018 02:31:18 +0000 Where and how to open an international bank account Today let’s dive into how to open an account and what you should consider when designing your offshore banking strategy. A large number of offshore banks open accounts remotely, either for personal or corporate accounts. Meaning that you do not have to take a plane and

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Why you should consider opening an offshore bank account Sat, 10 Mar 2018 02:17:49 +0000 Why you should consider opening an offshore bank account Today I am going to explain to you why you should consider diversifying your cash assets offshore. Even though offshore banking has had bad press, there is nothing immoral and of course nothing illegal in opening an offshore bank account. An offshore bank account is nothing

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What is the best offshore jurisdiction? Fri, 09 Mar 2018 02:00:30 +0000 What is the best offshore jurisdiction? We’ve already discussed why corporate structures using offshore companies are powerful tools to legally minimize your obligations to governments, protect your assets, enhance your privacy and grow your business faster. Today let’s dive into 7 offshore jurisdictions / legal entities that may be of interest. British Virgin Islands Business

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What you should consider when designing your Offshore Strategy Wed, 07 Mar 2018 01:22:14 +0000 What you should consider when designing your Offshore Strategy Today we discuss why offshore companies can be powerful tools to protect your assets, optimize your business and drastically increase your net profits. Why your Tax Residency matters Contrary to what is said, do not expect to incorporate an offshore company and automatically slash your tax

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World’s safest banks and how to evaluate them Thu, 06 Jul 2017 03:08:38 +0000 What are the world’s safest banks and how to evaluate them Last week Italian’s government agrees to bail-out (again) Banca Popolare di Vicenza and Veneto Banca with €17 billion. Another case of bank collapse in the EU, and so on and so forth, bailout funds to support to European troubled lenders already account for more

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Complete List of Tax Free Countries for Personal Residency in 2017 Tue, 21 Feb 2017 10:50:53 +0000 What are the countries with no taxes? One of the main tenets of Flag Theory is that one should have a second citizenship, as it is an important part of international diversification. But just having a backup passport doesn’t end your tax obligations – far from it. If you are a US citizen, you are

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Citizenship by Residency Thu, 11 Feb 2016 16:39:21 +0000 Complete list of countries to obtain citizenship by naturalization Most countries around the world allow for persons who have lived in-country for a certain period of time to apply for naturalization. It’s only human, really, to allow those living among us to also have the benefits of citizenship. Oftentimes, the naturalization process involves tests and

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Emerging markets Fri, 25 Jan 2013 11:56:54 +0000 Emerging markets So in my last post, I made two bold predictions on the economy in the coming century: that emerging markets in Asia and Africa will be the driving force of many of the changes we see in the world. East Timor Is a war-torn nation that no one knows much about, or has

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If SHTF… Are You Ready? | How to Invest Like the Chinese Mon, 13 Aug 2012 06:26:49 +0000 If SHTF… Are You Ready? | How to invest like the Chinese and protect your wealth Are you prepared for the worst? Have you taken steps to protect yourself and your wealth if the worse case scenario strikes? Read on to see 3 quick ways the Chinese protect themselves from a financial disaster. The leveraged

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Investment Saturday | Dim Sum Bonds Sat, 11 Aug 2012 05:13:06 +0000 Why and how to invest in Dim Sum Bonds Every Saturday, a different investment opportunity. This week: Dim Sum Bonds. Imagine a vagrant area in a bad part of town, and then transplant that under one of the more impressive buildings in Hong Kong. This week I was in Hong Kong, and one of my

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Guide to Gold Wed, 25 Jul 2012 04:21:52 +0000 How to buy gold and where to store it This article has been updated in October 2019 to reflect new economic data. Why buy Gold? The ultimate storage of wealth. Non-perishable, accepted worldwide. Cannot be created out of thin air. The oldest exchange of value. The best hedge against the inflation of money. Gains value

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Setting up a company in Hong Kong Thu, 05 Jul 2012 16:36:48 +0000 Setting up a company in Hong Kong Strategically located next to China, “HK” is an island – one of the wealthiest in the world, and a place where many billionaires and millionaires live, work and retire. In my estimation, this has just as much to do with the rise of China – as the free

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