列支敦士登 Archives - Flag Theory https://flagtheory.com/cn/category/列支敦士登/ Passports, Residency, Incorporation, Offshore Banking Thu, 01 Jun 2023 08:38:19 +0000 cn hourly 1 https://flagtheory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/cropped-favicon-32x32.png 列支敦士登 Archives - Flag Theory https://flagtheory.com/cn/category/列支敦士登/ 32 32 Where to set up a cryptocurrency business (2020) https://flagtheory.com/cn/cryptocurrency-business-regulations/ Thu, 03 Sep 2020 11:51:43 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=187378 Where to set up a cryptocurrency business (2020) An overview of the latest legal and regulatory developments for cryptocurrency businesses across various International Financial Centers During recent years, a large part of the cryptocurrency industry have been operating in an unregulated manner. Most of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges, dealers and other crypto operators, as well as

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Structuring and Taxes for Companies Doing Business in the EU https://flagtheory.com/cn/structuring-taxes-doing-business-eu/ Tue, 11 Jun 2019 05:26:01 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=19666 Structuring and Taxes for Companies Doing Business in the EU The European Union is one of the world’s largest trade blocs, accounting for approximately 15% of world trade. Its domestic common market, with free movement of goods, capital, services, and labor, is also one of the largest worldwide – with more than 500 million consumers,

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Initial Exchange Offerings (IEO) for Token Issuers and Crypto Exchanges https://flagtheory.com/cn/initial-exchange-offering-ieo/ Mon, 27 May 2019 23:15:51 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=19611 What Token Issuers and Exchanges should consider when undertaking an Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) Initial Exchange Offerings (IEO) have become a popular means of raising funds for blockchain startups, replacing ICOs, which have seen a dramatic drop in traction. An IEO mainly consists of an ICO held via an existing cryptocurrency exchange, which administers the

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Where to set up an Intellectual Property Holding Company https://flagtheory.com/cn/ip-intellectual-property-holding/ Mon, 20 May 2019 09:16:00 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=19588 Where to set up an Intellectual Property Holding Company Utilizing an intellectual property holding company is one of the most common legal tax avoidance strategies out there. However recent measures by the OECD and EU have dramatically changed this landscape. We’ve stayed on top of these changes to empower you to explore and evaluate where

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What you should consider when setting up an Investment Fund https://flagtheory.com/cn/investment-fund/ Mon, 25 Mar 2019 07:29:32 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=19223 What you should consider when setting up an Investment Fund When it comes to setting up an investment fund there are a number of factors to consider that have a direct impact on the most suitable jurisdiction and structure model to pursue. These include not only fund regulatory aspects but also tax, business operations, cost,

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Where to set up a Holding Company https://flagtheory.com/cn/where-to-set-up-a-holding-company/ Mon, 11 Mar 2019 05:58:17 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=19133 Where to set up a Holding Company In the previous letter, we were discussing some of the major benefits of using a holding company and how it can be used for asset protection, risk management, tax planning, and operational efficiency purposes. We also reviewed certain key aspects that one should consider when structuring a holding

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Where to set up an International Business – Part 4: Europe https://flagtheory.com/cn/multinational-business-europe/ Tue, 04 Dec 2018 22:11:19 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=17398 Where to set up a Multinational Business – Part 4: Europe Flag Theory Weekly Letter – Wednesday December 5th, 2018 During the last weeks, we’ve been discussing structuring options for cross-border businesses. First we reviewed some of the key aspects to consider when incorporating offshore or onshore and how one could leverage the best of

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在何处设立加密货币交易所–第三部分:在欧洲设立加密货币交易所 https://flagtheory.com/cn/%e5%9c%a8%e4%bd%95%e5%a4%84%e8%ae%be%e7%ab%8b%e5%8a%a0%e5%af%86%e8%b4%a7%e5%b8%81%e4%ba%a4%e6%98%93%e6%89%80-%e7%ac%ac%e4%b8%89%e9%83%a8%e5%88%86%ef%bc%9a%e5%9c%a8%e6%ac%a7%e6%b4%b2%e8%ae%be%e7%ab%8b/ Fri, 31 Aug 2018 07:23:33 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=17177 The post 在何处设立加密货币交易所–第三部分:在欧洲设立加密货币交易所 appeared first on Flag Theory.

如何设立一个ICO项目-第五部分:收益、ICO税收&构建 https://flagtheory.com/cn/%e5%a6%82%e4%bd%95%e8%ae%be%e7%ab%8b%e4%b8%80%e4%b8%aaico%e9%a1%b9%e7%9b%ae-%e7%ac%ac%e4%ba%94%e9%83%a8%e5%88%86%ef%bc%9a%e6%94%b6%e7%9b%8a%e3%80%81ico%e7%a8%8e%e6%94%b6%e6%9e%84%e5%bb%ba/ Tue, 12 Jun 2018 11:12:06 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=16300   如何设立一个ICO项目–第五部分:收益、ICO税收&构建 Flag Theory 周刊 – 2018年6月12日,星期二 我们已经讨论了启动ICO项目的基本原理,执行代币销售时需考虑的企业结构,发行实体及关健层面等。 在此文中,我们将讨论后ICO的关健层面以及如何构建将管理ICO收益和未售出代币的工具。 您的代币销售的实际情况和条件将会是独一无二的,因此从发行人及相关企业、发起人或子公司所在的相关司法管辖区的合格的专业人员那里获得税务建议至关重要。本篇文章并不能作为您的具体情况的税务建议。 此外,值得注意的是,很多司法管辖区对代币具有不同的政策,因此,我们只是在总体上对税法进行广泛地总结,以帮助您思考并寻求对这些问题的帮助。 ICO 税务优化 – 以终为始 假设您已筹集了数百万美元来执行您的项目,但却设立不当 —那么您最终有可能需承担相当大的ICO税务责任,而这将有可能削减您的计划和预算。 即使您的资金为加密货币形式,无论是以太坊(Ethereum)还是比特币(Bitcoin),也不能免除您的纳税义务。此外,未售出的代币也可能需缴税。 因此,构建ICO税务优化将是重中之重。税务影响是复杂且敏感的问题,您必须咨询合格的税务律师来评估您的具体情况。 例如,您可能只想在一个零税率的离岸司法管辖区注册公司,这样就可避免税务。然而,这可能是行不通的。 根据您是何处的纳税居民以及公司的实际运营地点,您最终可能需缴纳ICO税。 受控外国公司法和企业税收居住法因司法管辖区而异。但从广义上讲,他们可以确定您的离岸公司的收入是否归因于公司的管理者以及他们是何处的纳税居民,无论这些收入已进行分配与否。 因此,在此时使用Flag Theory 策略就显得更有意义。 Flag Theory策略使用全球所有可用的工具来最小化您的纳税义务。 鉴于其全球性和数字化范围,ICO、区块链和加密货币业务确实可从Flag Theory策略中受益,正如以下所述。 基金会–优化ICO税务结构&收益管理 首先,我们需要一个企业工具,它将成为所有筹得的资金和未售出代币的受益人,并将负责管理这些资金和代币。 通过设立一个与代币销售无关的实体,您可以确保通过一个责任有限的崭新实体来开发您的项目。 该实体无需,但可以负责管理正在进行中的业务运营。 您希望设立总部、办事处和业务活动的司法管辖区可能并不适合进行您的资金和代币的管理,无论是因为企业类型、监管类型还是税务法、责任法等。 因此,我们通常推荐使用灵活的结构,可以在多个司法管辖区中提供最佳的后ICO管理。在不断变化的监管环境中(加密领域没有监管确定性这一说法),您应该灵活机智,并且不完全局限于一个司法管辖区领域。 除了选择正确的国家外,您还应为不同的目的选择不同的实体类型。例如,基金会可能比股份有限公司更适合进行资金和代币的管理。 基金会本质上是混合性的,并且受益于公司的法人人格,但可以像信托一样,仅为某个目的(或受益人的利益)而设立。 基金会无所有者和股东,可以作为非营利性实体只为实现某个目的而设立,无受益人。 无股东和受益人,使得基金会可以成为ICO税务优化和资产保护的强大工具,并提供具有坚实法律基础的非营利性或公开源代码性质的项目,而不会与“公司利益”类型的问题产生冲突。 事实上,基金会一直以来都被极富群体用于保存、保护、规划和发展他们的产业。 基金会由其理事会成员管理,负责保护、管理资金并确保它们仅用于基金会成立的目的:发展来源于ICO的项目。 此外,可以委派一个保护人来监督理事会成员的行为。 然而,正如我们所多次提到的,通常情况下,基金会不适合商业活动,因此它将与其它更适合日常业务的实体签订法律协议并代表其开展工作。 在何处为ICO设立基金会 在决定司法管辖区时,有几个因素需要考虑,例如它的信誉,政治和经济稳定性、透明度、公正度,市场与个人自由度,税务,公司注册所需时间和费用以及程序等。 同等重要的是,该司法管辖区是否有意吸引区块链项目。 基金会最初是民法的一部分,瑞士和列支敦士登是这一法人实体类型的先驱。 很多客户向我们咨询瑞士,因为它是设立ICO项目较多的司法管辖区,如Ethereum 和Tezos。瑞士同时也是全球对科技初创公司最为开放的国家之一。 然而,瑞士基金会(Siftung)可能并不适合大多数ICO项目。 例如,开设瑞士银行账户和获得监管机构批准的流程将花费相当长的时间。 根据项目的性质和地点,有时甚至不可能为将获得ICO收益的基金会开设瑞士银行账户。 此外,瑞士的基金会并不能享受税收豁免,而是必须根据基金会的实际情况和条件(主要为其慈善目的)来请求税收豁免。 列支敦士登与瑞典相似,是在该行业享有盛誉的司法管辖区,但必须符合私人资产结构(Private Asset

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Where and how to open an international bank account https://flagtheory.com/cn/international-bank-account/ Sun, 11 Mar 2018 02:31:18 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=11882 Where and how to open an international bank account Today let’s dive into how to open an account and what you should consider when designing your offshore banking strategy. A large number of offshore banks open accounts remotely, either for personal or corporate accounts. Meaning that you do not have to take a plane and

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Why you should consider opening an offshore bank account https://flagtheory.com/cn/offshore-bank-account/ Sat, 10 Mar 2018 02:17:49 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=11878 Why you should consider opening an offshore bank account Today I am going to explain to you why you should consider diversifying your cash assets offshore. Even though offshore banking has had bad press, there is nothing immoral and of course nothing illegal in opening an offshore bank account. An offshore bank account is nothing

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World’s safest banks and how to evaluate them https://flagtheory.com/cn/world-safest-banks/ Thu, 06 Jul 2017 03:08:38 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=7191 What are the world’s safest banks and how to evaluate them Last week Italian’s government agrees to bail-out (again) Banca Popolare di Vicenza and Veneto Banca with €17 billion. Another case of bank collapse in the EU, and so on and so forth, bailout funds to support to European troubled lenders already account for more

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Citizenship by Residency https://flagtheory.com/cn/easiest-countries-to-become-a-citizen/ Thu, 11 Feb 2016 16:39:21 +0000 https://flagtheory.com/?p=2657 Complete list of countries to obtain citizenship by naturalization Most countries around the world allow for persons who have lived in-country for a certain period of time to apply for naturalization. It’s only human, really, to allow those living among us to also have the benefits of citizenship. Oftentimes, the naturalization process involves tests and

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