Latest: Flag Theory Updates, Digital Security, EU Residency & Passports, US Bank Accounts and more…

From FlagTheory:

WikiLeaks has leaked more CIA’s hacking tools classified documents. It is more than likely that the Big Brother is spying on people through smartphones, computers, TVs, and even automobiles. Not only by accessing information stored on the devices but by turning them into microphones and activating the cameras when they think it is opportune. Having access to our most private moments.

In these times of mass surveillance and permanent violation of our right of privacy, enhance our digital security, protecting and securing our data files and communications, must be a priority.

In this guide you can find quick and easy actions to start planting a digital security flag today. It may also be helpful our data security site: flag6.IO, where you can compare Virtual Private Network providers through their technical and privacy features, business practices, available countries and costs, among others. Any question or doubt, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Changing the subject, the European Parliament voted last March 2, lifting the visa exemption for Americans to enter the EU. The resolution is not binding but urges the European Commission to take a decision within two months. This happens after the non-compliance of the reciprocity pact by the US, not allowing the visa-free entry of citizens from 5 EU countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Romania and Poland).

It remains to be seen if finally the resolution come into force, for possible reprisals, the consequences in the tourist industry and how it would affect to the relations already deteriorated between both bodies. We will keep you informed of any developments.

Whether you are American or not, if you regularly go to Europe, here are some residence and / or citizenship programs that may interest you:

Updates to our service:

We can now process US bank account opening, both corporate and personal account. Available for US national or for anyone else (foreign national).  You can also check other banking options at bankaccounts.IO.

New and updated articles:

Get in touch:

Got a question, want to talk? E-mail us at [email protected].