Cayman Islands
The Cayman Islands is a British overseas territory dependent on the United Kingdom. They are located northwest of Jamaica, between the island of Cuba and the coast of Honduras in the waters of the Caribbean Sea. The Cayman Islands is a member of the CARICOM single market.
The Cayman Islands is one of the 5 largest financial centers in the world by deposits, and the world’s largest financial center for investment funds, with the presence of the global largest financial institutions.
Main financial services available in the territory are private banking, hedge fund formation and investment, structured finance and securitization, captive insurance, and international business company services.
In the Cayman Islands, corporate profits and capital income as interest or dividends, as well as personal income, are not taxed. Actually, the only existing tax forms in the Cayman Islands are business license fees, customs duties, a stamp duty on the transfer of real estate and a tonnage fee for vessels. In addition to the tax advantages, Offshore companies in the Cayman Islands benefit from maximum confidentiality and easy accounting requirements.
Flag Theory is a strategic internationalization process aimed at diversifying parts of personal and business finances in strategic jurisdictions worldwide. Below, you can learn about why and how to incorporate an offshore company in the Cayman Islands, open an offshore bank account, investment options, and how to immigrate and get a residence permit in this Caribbean paradise.
If you want to set up a company, open a bank account, invest, immigrate and/or obtain residency permits and even citizenship in the Cayman Islands, get in contact with us directly for a private consultation.

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