Flag Theory Pillar Content
Learn about 7 Flags of Flag Theory- FREE - Live live anywhere you please, Keep your assets safe, Protect your privacy, and have no tax obligations. Does this excite your? Flag Theory can help you accomplish exactly that! So what is this Theory? On this site , we frequently talk about concepts of internationalization: Offshore Banks, Offshore Company, Second Passport and much more.
While we have introduced new ideas to bring Flag Theory into the 21st century, the idea has been around for decades. Read below the pillar content for this site completely free and learn about what it takes to become a true world citizen. Flag Theory is often tied with perpetual travel. A perpetual traveler spends time in as many countries as they want in a year. The idea of perpetual travel (also known as "PT", "permanent tourist", or "prior taxpayer") is to follow five magic words: "go where you're treated best".